As a general rule: do not travel, stay home and stay safe. However, if travel becomes necessary and there is no way you can avoid it then you need to act upon the following guidelines to ensure your safety and the safety of your loved ones.
Before Travel
Before you embark on your journey you need to consider the following:
- Do you think you are at an increased risk of contracting Covid-19?
- Is someone in your household or among your close circle of friends, family, and colleagues at a high risk of contracting Covid-19?
- Is the pandemic on the wane or the rise in your place of origin or your destination?
- Is the healthcare system of your destination good enough to cope with Covid-19?
- Are the hospitals in your place of origin brimming with Covid-19 patients?
- If you are traveling with a group of people, are you aware of their social movements during the last 14 days from the intended date of travel?
Please analyze the answer to all these questions honestly, and rethink your travel plans if the answers indicate that you might be at a higher risk of contracting Covid-19.
Before You Go
If you have decided to travel anyway, you need to take into consideration the following:
- Test yourself at least 3 days before you intend to travel.
- Keep the negative test result with you during your travel.
- Make sure you have an ample supply of hand sanitizers and face masks with you.
- Getting a flu shot would come in handy and if possible, a COVID-19 vaccine shot

During your stay, while you are at your destination, do the following:
- Avoid unnecessarily going out and meeting strangers
- If and when you go out, wear a mask all the time.
- Do not go out where you are likely to encounter large crowds
- Maintain a safe distance (6 feet or 2 meters) with people when you are out.
- Keep washing and/or sanitizing your hands as often as you can.
- Do not touch your face, nose, eyes with your hands.
- Check the travel and social distancing restrictions of your destination and follow them.
- If and when you feel any symptoms of Covid-19, practice self-isolation until your condition stabilizes. If the symptoms persist, seek medical advice immediately.

After Your Travel
Once you are back to your place of origin you need to do the following:
- Get yourself tested again even if you are not feeling any symptoms.
- Do not go out or meet people unless your test’s result is out.
- Even if your test’s result is negative, observe a safe quarantine period.
- If you were traveling in a group and any of your travel mates got sick after returning you should self-isolate immediately.
- Wait for their test’s result before you go out and start your normal life.
- Sport a mask even when you are inside your home and ask any other member of the house to wear a mask too as a safety precaution.
- Keep observing social distancing with everyone especially those who did not travel with you.
By observing these safety protocols, we hope you can make your travels safe during the pandemic.